Book chapters
Salmons, S. (1972) A telemetric technique for measuring muscle tension in conscious unrestrained animals. In: Biotelemetry, eds. Kimmich, H.P. and Vos, J.A., pp. 335-336 (Leiden: Meander).
Sréter, F.A., Romanul, F.C.A., Salmons, S. and Gergely, J. (1974) The effect of a changed pattern of activity on some biochemical characteristics of muscle. In: Exploratory Concepts in Muscular Dystrophy II, ed. Milhorat, A.T., Intern. Congress Series No. 333, pp. 338-343 ( Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica).
Romanul, F.C.A., Sréter, F.A., Salmons, S. and Gergely, J. (1974) The effect of a changed pattern of activity on histochemical characteristics of muscle fibres. Ibid. pp.344-348.
Salmons, S., Sréter, F.A. and Morris, C.J. (1976) Use of implantable stimulators to investigate functional adaptation in skeletal muscle. In: Biotelemetry III, eds. Fryer, T.B., Miller, H.A. and Sandler, H., pp. 275-278 (Academic Press, Inc.).
Rubinstein, N., Mabuchi, K., Salmons, S., Gergely, J. and Sréter, F.A. (1979) Fast-to-slow myosin transformation in pre-existing muscle fibers during chronic stimulation. In: Motility in Cell Function, eds. Pepe, F.A., Sanger, J.W. and Nachmias, V.T., Proceedings of the First John M. Marshall Symposium in Cell Biology, (New York: Academic Press).
Salmons, S. (1980) Prospects for the use of telemetry in studies of the differentiation of mammalian locomotor systems. In: A Handbook of Biotelemetry and Radiotracking, eds. Amlaner, C.J. and MacDonald, D.W., pp. 517-524 ( Oxford: Pergamon Press).
Salmons, S. (1980) The response of skeletal muscle to different patterns of use - some new developments and concepts. In: Plasticity of Muscle, ed. Pette, D., pp. 387-399 (Berlin: W. de Gruyter).
Salmons, S. (1985) Functional adaptation in skeletal muscle. In: Evarts, E.V., Wise, S.P., and Bousfield, D. (eds) The motor system in neurobiology. Elsevier Biomedical Press: Amsterdam, pp 23-29
Salmons, S. and Brown, J. (1983) Percutaneous control of implanted devices via an optical link. In: Biotelemetry VI, ed. Sansen, W., pp. 24-27 (Leuven: Acco).
Salmons, S. and Brown, J.M.C. (1983) The potential for percutaneous optical control of implants for therapeutic stimulation. In: High Technology Aids for the Disabled, ed. Perkins,W.J., pp. 82-87 (London: Butterworths).
Salmons, S. and Brown, J.M.C. (1984) A versatile implantable stimulator with transcutaneous optical control. In: Medical Telemetry. Proceedings of a Workshop on Alternative Methods for Radiotelemetry, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, May l983, eds. Kimmich, H.P. and Bornhausen, M., pp. 289-296 (Commission of the European Communities Report EUR 9158 EN).
Brown, W.E., Brown, J.M.C. and Salmons, S. (1984) Application of an implantable stimulator to the study of gene regulation in muscle. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Biotelemetry, Stanford, California, pp. 1-4.
Salmons, S. (1984) Adaptive aspects of skeletal muscle function in relation to long-term therapeutic stimulation. In: Biotelemetry VIII, eds. Kimmich, H.P. and Klewe, H-J., pp. 274-278.
Salmons, S. (1984) An introduction to the therapeutic use of electrical stimulation. In: Biotelemetry VIII, eds. Kimmich, H.P. and Klewe, H–J., pp. 269-273.
Salmons, S. and Brown, J.M.C. (1986) The use of transcutaneous optical control as a route to developing new and more versatile implantable stimulators for therapeutic application. In: Medical Telemetry Proceedings of a Workshop on Alternative Methods for Radiotelemetry, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, April 1985. eds. Kimmich, H.P., Weller, C., Erdmann, W. and Bornhausen, M., pp. 34-41 (Commission of the European Communities Project II. 2.5./5.).
Bitto, T., Mannion, J.D., Hammond, R., Cox J., Hamashita, J., Duckett, S.W., Salmons, S. and Stephenson, L.W. (1986) Preparation of fatigue- resistant diaphragmatic muscle grafts for myocardial replacement. In: Progr. Artif. Organs , eds. Nosé, Y., Kjellstrand, C. and Ivanovich, P., pp. 441-446 (Cleveland:ISAO Press).
Salmons, S., Callewaert, L., Puers, B. and Sansen W. (1987) A custom-integrated programmable implantable stimulator with optical control. In: Biotelemetry IX, eds. Kimmich, H.P. and Neuman, M.R., pp. 163-166 (Döring-Druck, Braunschweig).
Acker, J.A., Mannion, J.D., Hammond, R.L., Stephenson, L.W. and Salmons, S. (1987) Cardiac assist devices energized by skeletal muscle. In: Biotelemetry IX, eds. Kimmich, H.P. and Neuman, M.R., pp. 199-202 (Döring-Druck, Braunschweig)
Mannion, J.D., Acker, M.A., Hammond, R.L., Stephenson, L.W., Khalafalla, A., Henriksson, J. and Salmons, S. (1988) Chronic burst stimulation of canine latissimus dorsi muscle: a further step towards the use of skeletal muscle for cardiac augmentation. “Towards the artificial heart” (Proceedings of an Interdisciplinary Symposium) , ed. Stagnaro, E., pp. 192-200 (University of Padua).
Salmons, S. (1988) Functional electrical stimulation of the lower limb: characterization of normal and adaptively transformed muscle. In: Restoration of walking by implanted electrical stimulation: what can be expected from the next decade?, eds. Woloszko, J. and Rabischong, P., COMAC-BME Handbook, (Brussels: EEC).
Salmons, S. and Stephenson, L.W. (1989) Adaptive capacity of skeletal muscle and its therapeutic applications. In: Neuromuscular Stimulation. Basic Concepts and Clinical Implications, ed. Rose, F.C., Jones, R., Vrbová, G., Comprehensive Neurologic Rehabilitation Series (New York: Demos Publications) pp 203-215.
Henriksson, J., Salmons, S. and Lowry, O.H. (1990) Chronic stimulation of mammalian muscle: enzyme and metabolite changes in homogenates and individual fibres. In: Transformed Muscle for Cardiac Assist and Repair, eds. Chiu, R.C.-J. and Bourgeois, I.M. (Mount Kisco, NY: Futura Publishing Company, Inc.) pp. 9-24.
Salmons, S. and Jarvis, J.C. (1990) The working capacity of skeletal muscle transformed for use in a cardiac assist role. In: Transformed Muscle for Cardiac Assist and Repair, eds. Chiu, R.C.-J. and Bourgeois, I.M. (Mount Kisco, NY: Futura Publishing Company, Inc.) pp 89-104.
Brownson, C., Salmons, S. and Edwards, Y. (1988) Changes in the concentrations of selected mRNA transcripts in response to continuous electrical stimulation of skeletal muscle. In: Sarcomeric and Non-Sarcomeric Muscles: Basic and Applied Research Prospects for the 90s, ed. Carraro, U. (Padua: Unipress) pp 353-359.
Salmons, S. (1989) Skeletal muscle to power heart assist devices. In: Heart Assist and Replacement Technology, eds. Kunst, E.E. and van Alsté, J.A., pp 63-67 (Commission of the European Communities).
Salmons, S., Jarvis, J.C., Mayne, C.N., Franchi, L.L., and Murdoch, A. (1989) Significance and localization of myosin transitions in chronically stimulated muscle. 3rd Vienna International Workshop on Functional Electrostimulation: Basics, Technology, and Application. ISBN 3-900928-01-0, pp 29-32.
Salmons, S. (1990) On the reversibility of stimulation-induced muscle transformation. In: The Dynamic State of Muscle Fibres, ed. Pette, D., (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter), pp 401-414.
Henriksson, J., Nemeth, P.M., Borg, K., Salmons, S. and Lowry, O.H. (1990) Fibre type-specific enzyme activity profiles. A single fibre study of the effects of chronic stimulation on the rabbit fast-twitch tibialis anterior muscle. In: The Dynamic State of Muscle Fibres, ed. Pette, D. (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter), pp 385-398.
Salmons, S. and Jarvis, J.C. (1991) Cardiomyoplasty: a look at the fundamentals. In: Cardiomyoplasty, eds. Carpentier, A., Chachques, J.–C., Grandjean (Mount Kisco, NY: Futura Publishing Company, Inc.) pp 3-17.
Salmons, S. and Jarvis, J.C. (eds) (1991) Harnessing skeletal muscle power for cardiac assistance. Proc. Expert Meeting under EC Concerted Action “HEART”. Commission of the European Communities, ISBN 90-365-0412-0, 123 pp. (also included in Annals of the Concerted Action HEART 1989-1990, ISBN 90-365-0480-5)
Salmons, S. (1991) Skeletal muscle devices. In: Proc. 1st General Meeting of EC Concerted Action “HEART”, Rome.
Brownson, C., Little, P., Mayne, C.N., Jarvis, J.C. and Salmons, S. (1992) Reciprocal changes in myosin isoform expression in rabbit fast skeletal muscle resulting from the application and removal of chronic electrical stimulation. In: Molecular Biology of Muscle (Society for Experimental Biology Symposium no. 46), ed. el Haj, A., Colchester, U.K.: The Company of Biologists Ltd. ISBN 0 948601 35 3, pp 301-310.
Salmons, S. and Jarvis, J.C. (1992) The prospects for using skeletal muscle as the energy source for mechanical circulatory devices. Proc. Expert Meeting “Muscle driven devices for cardiac assistance”, ed. Carraro, U. Commission of the European Communities, ISBN 90-365-0483-X, pp 5-14; and in: Basic and Applied Myology: Perspectives for the 90’s, eds. Carraro, U., Salmons, S. (Padua: Unipress) 1991, pp 409-416
Jarvis, J.C., Brownson, C., Sutherland, H., Salmons, S. (1992) Comparison between the effects of continuous long-term stimulation of rabbit skeletal muscle at 2.5 Hz and 10 Hz. Proc. Expert Meeting “Muscle driven devices for cardiac assistance”, ed. Carraro, U. Commission of the European Communities, ISBN 90-365-0483-X, pp 29-34; and in: Basic and Applied Myology: Perspectives for the 90’s, eds. Carraro, U., Salmons, S. (Padua: Unipress) 1991, pp 109-113.
Salmons, S. (1992) Presentations of networks: skeletal muscle assist. In: Proc. General Meeting of EC Concerted Action “HEART”, Enschede. Commission of the European Communities, ISBN 90-365-0486-4, pp 95-97 (also included in Annals of the Concerted Action HEART 1991-1992, Vol. 2, ISBN 90-365-0591-7).
Salmons, S. (1992) “FES” of the lower limb: characterization of normal and adaptively transformed muscle. In: Restoration of walking for paraplegics, eds. Pedotti, A., Ferrarin, M. (Milan: Edizioni Pro Juventute) ISBN 88-85936-10-5, pp 159-166.
Salmons, S. and Jarvis, J.C. (1992) Skeletal muscle as an adaptive contractile biomaterial for cardiac assistance: fundamental considerations. Proc. 14th Ann. Int. Conf. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society eds. Morucci, J.P., Plonsey, R., Coatrieux ,J.L., Laxminarayan, S. ISBN 0-7803-0816-6.
Taylor, I., Grainger S.R.W., Hitchings, D.J., Jarvis, J.C. and Salmons, S. (1993) A miniature implantable neuromuscular stimulator based on gate array technology. In: Biotelemetry XII, Mancini, P., Fioretti, S., Cristalli, C., Bedini, R., eds. Pisa: Editrice Universitaria Litografia Felici, pp 39-43.
Iudicello, F., Henry, F.S., Collins, M.W., Shortland, A., Jarvis, J.C., Black, R.A. and Salmons, S. (1993). Numerical simulation of the flow in a model skeletal muscle ventricle. Computers in Cardiology 1993, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp 377-380.
Salmons, S. (1993) Fast and slow muscle fibres: exercise, stimulation and transformation. In: Proceedings Basic and Applied Exercise Physiology, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, June 1993, pp 7-20.
Salmons, S. (1993) Introduction of the Working-Group on “Skeletal Muscle Assist”. In: Proceedings of the Concerted Action “HEART” Phase II Opening Meeting, June 1993, ISBN 88-86219-00-8, p 88.
Salmons, S. (1993) Skeletal muscle assist: preservation of power in a fatigue-resistant muscle. In: Proceedings of the Concerted Action “HEART” Phase II Opening Meeting, June 1993, ISBN 88-86219-00-8, p 89-90.
El Oakley, R.M., Jarvis, J.C., Barman, D., Currie, J., Downham, D.Y., Salmons, S., Hooper, T.L. (1993) Conditioning and damage in grafts of sheep latissimus dorsi muscle. In: Proceedings of the Concerted Action “HEART” Phase II Opening Meeting, June 1993, ISBN 88-86219-00-8, p 96.
Salmons, S. (1993) Skeletal Muscle Assist: Proceedings of Working Group Session. In: Proceedings of the Concerted Action “HEART” Phase II Opening Meeting, June 1993, ISBN 88-86219-00-8, pp 148-154.
Salmons, S. and Jarvis, J.C. (1993) Measuring, estimating and preserving skeletal muscle power for cardiac assistance. In: 4th Vienna International Workshop on Functional Electrostimulation: Basics, Technology, Clinical Application. ISBN 3-900928-02-9, pp 26-29.
Salmons, S., Jarvis, J.C., Mayne, C.N. and Sutherland, H. (1993) Measurement and biochemical correlates of power fatigue resistance in transformed skeletal muscles. In: Neuromuscular Fatigue, eds. Sargeant, A.J. and Kernell, D. (Amsterdam: North-Holland) pp 61-62.
Salmons, S. (1994) Histological damage in chronically stimulated skeletal muscle. In: Les Journées de la Pitié 1993, Transplantation cardiaque et pulmonaire, cardiomyoplastie, assistance circulatoire, eds. Cabrol, C., Gandjbakhch, I. and Pavie, A. (Laboratoires Sandoz, Rueil-Malmaison) pp. 173-176.
Doorn, C.A.M. van, Jarvis, J.C., Hopkinson, D., Greenhalgh, D., Salmons, S. and Hooper, T.L. (1994) Adequacy of blood supply in sheep latissimus dorsi muscle grafts. Proc. Meeting of the Working-Group on Skeletal Muscle Assist, EC Concerted Action “HEART” ISBN 88-86219-02-4, pp116-117.
Salmons, S. and Jarvis, J.C. (1995) Educating skeletal muscle to do cardiac work. In: Mechanical Circulatory Support, Lewis, T. and Graham, T.R. (eds), Frazier, O.H., Hill, J.D., Pennington, D.G. and Salmons, S. (Section eds.) London: Edward Arnold, pp. 259-266.
Henry, F.S., Iudicello F., Shortland A., Jarvis J.C., Black, R.A., Collins, M.W. and Salmons, S. (1994) Modelling wall-driven cardiovascular flows. Advances in Bioengineering, Askew, M.J. (ed) ASME, BED-28: 399-400.
Jarvis, J.C., Kwende, M.M.N., Sutherland, H. and Salmons, S. (1994) The relationship between the temporal pattern of impulses and the transformed phenotype of skeletal muscle after chronic electrical stimulation. Proc.Meeting of the EC Concerted Action “HEART” Skeletal Muscle Assist Working Group ISBN 88-86219-01-06, pp 47-49.
Taylor, I., Jarvis, J.C., Grainger, S.R.W., Hitchings, D.J. and Salmons, S. (1996) Development of implantable stimulators based on semicustom CMOS technology. In: Biotelemetry XIII, Cristalli, C., Amlaner, C.J. and Neuman, M.R. (eds), pp 87-92.
Gunning, T.G., Grainger, S.R.W., Hitchings, D.J., Jarvis, J.C., Taylor, I. and Salmons, S. (1996) The use of low-power microcontroller architecture for implantable stimulators. In: Biotelemetry XIII, Cristalli, C., Amlaner, C.J. and Neuman, M.R. (eds) pp 93-98.
Doorn, C.A.M. van, Bhabra, M.S., Jarvis, J.C., Salmons, S. and Hooper T.L. (1995) The effects of cardiomyoplasty on cardiac growth (abstract). Proceedings 5th Vienna International Workshop on Functional Electrostimulation, Vienna, August 1995. ISBN 3-900928-03-7, p 322.
Salmons, S. (1995) Progress towards permanent cardiac assistance from conditioned skeletal muscle. In: Proceedings5th Vienna International Workshop on Functional Electrostimulation, Vienna, August 1995. ISBN 3-900928-03-7, p 21-26.
Salmons, S. and Jarvis, J.C.(1995) Preservation of power in skeletal muscle grafts. In: Les Journées de la Pitié 1994, Transplantation cardiaque et pulmonaire, cardiomyoplastie, assistance circulatoire, eds. Cabrol, C., Gandjbakhch, I. and Pavie, A. (Laboratoires Sandoz, Rueil-Malmaison) pp. 141-143
Degens, H., Salmons, S. and Jarvis, J.C. (1996) Mean blood flow and intramuscular pressure during cyclic activity in the rabbit tibialis anterior muscle. In: Salmons, S. (ed) Proc EC Concerted Action “HEART” Skeletal Muscle Assist Working Group, Florence, pp 9-13
Salmons, S., Jones, J., Sutherland, H., Jarvis, J.C. (1996) Decreased susceptibility of prestimulated skeletal muscle to stimulation-induced damage. In: Salmons, S. (ed) Proc EC Concerted Action “HEART” Skeletal Muscle Assist Working Group, Florence, 47-53.
Jarvis, J.C., Gollee, H., Kwende, M.M.N., Salmons, S. and Murray-Smith, D.J. (1996) Towards an optimized muscle controller. In: Neuroprosthetics—from basic research to clinical applications. Pedotti, A., Ferrarin, M., Quintern, J. and Reiner, R. (eds) Springer-Verlag: Berlin. pp123-128
Iudicello, F., Collins, M.W., Henry, F.S., Jarvis, J.C., Shortland, A., Black, R. and Salmons, S. (1996) A review of modelling for arterial vessels. Part I—Simplified ventricular geometries. Part II—Application to ventricles including muscle effects. First International Conference on Advances in Fluid Mechanics, New Orleans, June 1996 (abstract) and Advances in Fluid Mechanics Vol. 9. eds. Rahman, M., Brebbia, C.A. 1996, Computational Mechanics Publications: Boston.
Salmons, S., and Jarvis, J.C. (1997) Section V - Skeletal muscle assist. In: EC Concerted Action “HEART”: Guidelines and inventories on mechanical circulatory support systems. Commission of the European Communities: Brussels, ISBN 88-86219-05-9, pp V1-V31.
Salmons, S. (1997) Damage in functional grafts of skeletal muscle. In: Salmons, S. (ed) Muscle damage. Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp 215-233.
Jarvis, J.C., Sutherland, H., Kwende, M.M.N., Mayne, C.N. and Salmons, S. (1997) Relationship between working capacity and activation frequency of chronically stimulated skeletal muscle. In: Cardiac Bioassist (eds. A.F. Carpentier, J.C. Chachques, P.A. Grandjean) Armonk, New York: Futura Publishing Co. pp 269-272.
Shortland, A.P., Iudicello, F., Black, R.A., Jarvis, J.C., Henry, F.S., Collins, M.W. and Salmons, S. (1997) Physical and numerical simulation of blood flow within a skeletal muscle ventricle. In: Cardiac Bioassist (eds. A.F. Carpentier, J.C. Chachques, P.A. Grandjean) Armonk, New York: Futura Publishing Co. pp 567-573.
Salmons, S. (1998) Thirty years of implantable muscle stimulators: changing devices and changing muscles. In: Biotelemetry XIV—Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Biotelemetry, Marburg, April 1997) (eds. Penzel, T., Salmons, S. and Neuman, M.R.). Tectum Verlag: Marburg, pp 243-250.
Salmons, S. (2000) Cardiac assistance from skeletal muscle: achieving a viable and appropriately transformed graft. In: Brett, W., Todorov, A., Pfisterer, M., and Zerkowski, H.-R. (eds) Surgical remodeling in heart failure—alternative to transplantation. Basel Heart Workshop Series, Steinkopff Verlag: Darmstadt, pp 41-51.
Sutherland, H., Jarvis, J.C., and Salmons, S. (2001) Using a PIC16LC84–based implantable stimulator to probe the events initiating adaptive change in skeletal muscle. In: Eiler, J., Alcorn, D.J.. and Neuman, M.R. (eds) Biotelemetry XV—Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Biotelemetry, Juneau, Alaska, May 1999. Publisher: City?, pp 679-685.
Capoccia, M., Sutherland, H., Salmons, S., and Jarvis, J.C. (2001) The haemodynamic function of intrathoracic skeletal muscle ventricles after recovery from surgery in pigs. In: Mayr, W., Bihak, M., and Jancik, C. (eds) Proceedings7th Vienna International Workshop on Functional Electrical Stimulation. Department of Biomedical Engineering and Physics, University of Vienna, Vienna Medical School: Vienna, pp 76-79.
Mayr, W., Kern, H., Hofer, C., Jarvis, J., and Salmons, S. (2001) The EU-Project RISE: Use of electrical stimulation to restore standing in paraplegics with long-term denervated degenerated muscles (DDM). In: Mayr, W., Bihak, M., and Jancik, C. (eds) Proceedings7th Vienna International Workshop on Functional Electrical Stimulation. Department of Biomedical Engineering and Physics, University of Vienna, Vienna Medical School: Vienna, pp 6-9.
Salmons, S. (2003) Cardiac bioassist: what are the issues and how are we addressing them? In: Guldner, N.W., Klapproth, P., and Jarvis, J.C. (eds) Cardiac Bioassist 2002. Shaker Verlag: Aachen, Germany, pp 91-104.
Salmons, S. (2003) Skeletal Muscle. In: Neuroprosthetics: Theory and Practice, Kenneth W Horch & Gurpreet Dhillon (eds.) Series on Bioengineering & Biomedical Engineering—Vol. 3. World Scientific Publishing Co., Inc. River Edge, NJ.
Monnet, E. and Salmons, S. (2003) Functional adaptation of skeletal muscle and its application to cardiac assist. In: Neuroprosthetics: Theory and Practice, Kenneth W Horch & Gurpreet Dhillon (eds.) Series on Bioengineering & Biomedical Engineering—Vol. 3. World Scientific Publishing Co., Inc. River Edge, NJ.
Sutherland, H., Zolle, O., Khundkar, R., Simpson, A.W.M., Jarvis, J.C., and Salmons, S. (2004) A non-radioactive assay for nitric oxide synthase activity in tissue extracts. In: Hassid, A. (ed) Nitric Oxide Protocols, 2nd edn., Methods in Molecular Biology, Humana Press: Totowa, New Jersey, pp 105-11.
- Kondiles, B.R., Toossi, A., Mushahwar, V.K., and Salmons, S. (2017) Muscle. In: Horch, K.W., and Kipke, D.R. (eds) Neuroprosthetics: Theory and Practice (Series on Bioengineering & Biomedical Engineering—Vol. 8), Second edn. World Scientific Publishing Co: River Edge, NJ, pp 104-33